wallpaper Best Headline Ever

On a despondent night full of disbelief and melancholy, I submit this headline via Zero Hedge (and yes I know so many think ZH is a haters club full of idiots that missed a generational move in the markets, but at least they are trying to report real stuff and not get happy market stuff):
Deposed Tunisian President Ben Ali Said To Have Fled
Country With 1.5 Tons Of Gold
Not shares of AAPL, not freeze dried MREs, not shotguns shells, not even €45 million European pieces of linen in a suitcase... Gold. And one wonders why all the physical silver and gold is slowly but surely disappearing from the distributors: someone should really check the cargo hold of Lloyd's, Jamie's and Vikram's G-6 planes...and of course the extra cargo holds in the private helicopter squadron of that "other" Ben, elsewhere now known lovingly with the adjective of Blackhawk (f/k/a Helicopter).


I hate having to do this but I am long NFLX, OMEX, EW, hold a shit load of physical gold and silver (it's in Boston so don't bother!), and I may hold crap stocks in my company's 401k but I don't even look at it.)