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Digging a foxhole. See more Lolcats and funny pictures
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wallpaper wallpaper This is an older one I posted two or three years ago, but it's still funny. BizarroBlog
wallpaper funny pictures - They had never met a seal that knew kung-fu, and hoped this would be the last time they did. wallpaper
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
wallpaper funny pictures history - Little did baby Duffel know he would one day be a household word. wallpaper
see more Historic LOL
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see more Hacked IRL - Truth in Sarcasm
wallpaper wallpaper My First Dictionary... the real punchline to this one is that the above are the actual illustration and definitions given in the original 10940's children's dictionary that Ross Horsely uses as his source.
wallpaper All will be welcome in this new land, whether their skin be white, ivory, or beige! wallpaper wallpaper And whether they come from London, Manchester or even Liverpool! wallpaper wallpaper Or Dublin! wallpaper wallpaper All right, who said that? Who's the wise guy? wallpaper
The Daily Irritant
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wallpaper wallpaper Slowpoke... speaking of bankers, here's a piece from The Guardian that just showed up: banker jokes! Just one to whet your appetite, but there are quite a few at the link.
A man is stuck in traffic. He asks a police officer about the hold-up and he replies: "The head of the Bank Of England is so depressed about the economy he's stopped his car and is threatening to douse himself with petrol and set himself on fire. So we're taking up a collection for him." The man asks: "How much have you got so far?" The policeman replies: "About 40 gallons, but a lot of people are still siphoning."
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see more Very Demotivational
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wallpaper wallpaper Sober in a Nightclub
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wallpaper wallpaper Ah red panda, so cute. Hyper, but cute. Skull Swap
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wallpaper wallpaper My neighbor doesn't have bagpipes or a chainsaw. But she does have a karaoke machine. God help me. Savage Chickens