wallpaper Day 8

So far, no one has told me to shut my pie hole and go away about the advice I am putting on my blog so I guess I'll just have to tough it out for the rest of the 31 days.

COMPUTERS - They are a wonderful tool and are getting cheaper each year. They have a lot of good software out there to help you do your daily tasks. The bad news is they die. When they do, they will take with them to computer hell everything you have worked so hard to put on them. The moral to this story is to have everything you really need backed up on an external hard drive. For a couple of hundred dollars you can have your data and read it too. Failure to do that will result in loss. The only question is when not if. You can apply this to cell phones, microwaves, no wait, microwaves die and just don't work. They won't take a slice of your life with them. Our Microwave died this week and I didn't realize how much I depend on one when I cook.

Wait, that is a good lead in to the question of extended warranties. For years I would never purchase an extended warranty and this year when I got a new LCD Samsung flat screen TV I bought one. Yep, it died and they fixed it. Moral of the story? It is a gamble and if it is something critical in your life and something you can't fix, it just might pay to have the coverage. It also helps if you have a Geek Squad son that can buy the warranties at his discount rate. It is like being Electronically Jewish, you can get it wholesale.