This woman had a very large, colourful game-themed tattoo
Tattoo Artist is a game where you earn points for drawing tattoos on people.
Mario Tattoos
dumbest video game tattoos you'll ever see.
Video game deals of the week 10/4-10/10 | Main | Wolfman Cover »
tattoo of the classic arcade game
20 game nerd tattoos… some good, some bad and some just down right weird!
Nice Tattoo - 2 Flash Games
to this Malaysian fan's love for the game. His full back tattoo rivals
Its not derived from a game though. That is one of the most bad ass tattoos
18 Cool and Geeky Video Game Tattoos | Walyou
Game Nerd Tattoo Special
having it tattooed on his leg. The totem tells the story of the games
Holly has a cool tattoo, It's not Love and Hate, It's Game Over!
Your Gamer Tattoo. | Video Game Online Forums & Community | Game Platform
More Games with Deadpool, Plz. 5. April 2009 by McDogmeat. Marvel Tattoo

For all of us in the tattoo game, here's an unbelievably cool development in

Ashley's tattoo game is strong. Ashley's definitely got the biggest tattoo