I love her text tattoos
Tattoos (Set)
Charles Bukowski text tattoo. | April 30th, 2009
I am always a fan of the text tattoo. When it's done properly,
Using one's first language for text tattoos has immediate meaning and most
Text Tattoo by Bree. Added: 1 year ago; Description: What better way to open
Another Textual Tattoo. Andrew writes with this simple message on his

Alyssa got this large text tattoo of a Kerouac quote (from “On The Road“),
Alyssa got this large text tattoo of a Kerouac quote (from “On The Road“),

When we think of tattoos, we present a plan for a beautiful woman in the
she has a bunch of text tattoos. Ladycroft214's is also similar to my

Styles for Text Tattoos
Text Tattoos are also Great Designs
Two Indonesian job seekers have been fooled into having their faces tattooed
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Re: Text tattoos
The 'Hannah Montana' star is seen flashing what appears to be a text tattoo
Breast Cancer Tattoo Heart - Customized Text T-shirt by DiscoverBG
literarytattoos: A question about upper arm text tattoos

For a guy to put an Love and Hate text tattoo on his wrist in HTML