All BlackBerry wallpapers are sorted into 18 categories.
Blackberry Pearl 71xx, 81xx Models. Universal PalmOS Backgrounds Product
including BlackBerry Curve (8300), 8800, 83xx Models, Blackberry Pearl
How To Install Themes On Blackberry Pearl 8100
Here are two cool themes for the BlackBerry Pearl 8100 series.
A cool wallpapers for BlackBerry pearl with size 240×260, resized bysandboxx
Title: BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9105 wallpapers wave. Played: 256
Free BlackBerry Pearl, Curve, Bold and Storm wallpapers
free wallpapers screensavers backgrounds and animation
Spring Bears ~ Free Themes for BlackBerry 8100. November 19th, 2009
Blackberry Themes - Get Instant Access to Free Blackberry Themes for All
But keep in mind that it requires Blackberry OS such as : BlackBerry Pearl
Blackberry Pearl 71xx, 81xx Models. Universal PalmOS Backgrounds Product
BlackBerry Pearl 8100, 8110, 8120, 8130. bbp-abolisher-400
Free themes: Ed Hardy Love Kills Slowly and Limewire Zen for the BlackBerry
A long time wait for the blackberry pearl 8100

9 Themes For Blackberry Pearl | RAR. Size : 3.4 MB
Free BlackBerry Pearl Themes by The Z Man
Title: BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9105 wallpapers hot girl. Played: 2757

To customise your Blackberry Pearl with more themes, you can make ample