Discs Are Your Back's Shock Absorbers. Between each of these vertebrae are
Your back also has muscles, ligaments, tendons,
Disc Herniation Surgery
Herniated/Bulging/Degenerated Disc. Your back pain, according to the latest
Disc Rejuvenation will help reverse a degenerated disc End your back
A herniated disc happens when the outer wall of a disc in your back ruptures
of the spinal discs in your back are replaced with artificial discs.
Know your back. There are many causes of back pain including;
Your discs are deteriorating due to mechanical stress.

For your back, it should include observatory and palpatory findings,
Activities that are especially damaging to the discs in your back are
The discs act like cushions to absorb shock. In addition, your back provides
The disc is a section that lies in between each of the bones of your back.

Along the same line, a ruptured disk between the vertebrae in your back
Your back is made up of the bones of the spine (vertebrae), the discs
The dreaded slipped disc in your back pain is something I think most people
really going to toss it out just to fix your back irritation or pain?
Healthy discs allow your back to move freely since they act as cushions for
Humpback Whale Intervertebral Disc Larger Image Please Use Your Back Button
Your discs help to allow for motion and proper function of your spine.