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Again... My account was hijacked and they deleted my blog justAna.

06:00 AM

Blog is back. Uffa! Let's see what happens next. It is so exciting! I hope it lasts! lol
Now whenever I start the login I bite my nails... Hitchcock would love it.

wallpaper Crown Vicky FORD

We averaged between 25 and 28 MPG in a full size car on our trip. It is the way to go on the highway.


wallpaper Bryce

Please forgive me if I use any of Barb's pictures for Bryce as my camera had an equipment failure right after the evening shoot at Bryce. I think the loose nut behind the lens caused the card to be jammed in and a pin bent for the CF card. We went to Sunset point and the view is stunning. The features are called HooDoos and look like someone had stacked beautiful rocks to make an endless collection of things that your eye can make up things when you look at them. After the looking up at Zion, it was kind of strange to be looking down. This is really the edge of a Plateau not a canyon.
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Someone named this feature "Grottos" as it kind of does look like caves in the side of the hill. I'm pretty sure that it would be almost impossible to live in any of them. Hell, it would be tough for a scared cat like me to even repel down to the openings any more. I will just try to remember how interesting they were.
wallpaper wallpaper Yesterday I went downtown to have a new windshield put in the FORD. It was kind of fun to watch the process. I found out that they wanted me to let it set for an hour after they finished to let the adhesive set. I walked over to the camera shop and talked to the camera repairman. He had no way to straighten out the bent pin.
On the way home I stopped and bought some tools at harbor freight and spent the next half hour trying different combinations of ways to get the one bent pin straight. I think I have it OK for now. I am trying to decide if I want to buy a used D-70 and use parts to try to fix my camera or try to deal Wolfe's out of the D-80 they took in as a trade. There is always E-Bay with a bunch of cameras. What ever I do, I will probably stay with NIKON as we have such a great lens collection. Even if Barb has the wrong lens when she see's something neat.
OH well, Mowing calls so I had better get the mowers sharp and running.

wallpaper *•●☆★☆ bumble~bee ☆★☆●•* amazing photographies 2

wallpaper wallpaper This is the second picture I published by *•●☆★☆ bumble~bee ☆★☆●•*. Once again I invite you to click at the link and look at this pictures.
I noticed that there are some great works using shadows at the wall. I will create a label for that.

wallpaper Mind Fog

As I anticipate traveling, I have that feeling like I had when I wanted a cold beer on a hot day. Need isn't enough to describe the feeling of want, anticipation, pent up energy I have before a trip. After two weeks on the road, I have what I can only describe as a mind fog that feels like my battery is about 10 or 11 volts in a 12 volt system. So far all I have been able to do is make a list and work off the items that I need to accomplish. Old retired guys should not have to work off a "TO DO" list.

Perhaps what I really need to do is drink a beer, take a nap and remember all the great stuff I saw on the trip.


wallpaper Splain it to me Lucy!

I am having trouble understanding a couple of things.

FIRST - There are many people that want to have bigger government to guarantee that the less privileged people have their fair share. They don't seem to mind that as you look at the current social experiments, Centralized Health Care, more Governmental Control, Subsidized Housing and less Local Control, these are mostly failing in the places they have been tried. Europe comes to mind and some of the Health Care issues in Canada. If you need an emergency appendectomy you can generally get in there, but Carol from B.C. said her knee replacement is at least a year away even though she really needs it now. Even the Conservative left want Government to jump in and ban abortion.

SECOND - In Cuba, the centralized control of the value of the dollar is failing fast. One of our Road Scholar friends said that she and a group of friends went on a trip to Cuba. To get approval from both Governments, they each had to take 15 lbs of Medical or Educational Supplies with them as they traveled to Cuba last year. She reported that many of the people that are working in the tourist trades in Cuba can earn tips in a "Convertible Peso" and with that can buy more than is available on the ration system with the Peso available to other workers. Yes, the red beans and rice is fairly cheap, but the pork to go in the beans is rationed and if you want more than a taste, you have to buy it with the convertible Peso. There are Doctors and Engineers working as bell boys to earn enough to feed their family. There is almost nothing in the Capital investment pool in Cuba to allow any building of new homes. Yet, we find Our Government moving towards the most massive debts and central control of the economy.

If you want free medicine, go to Canada. If you want cheap red beans and rice, Go to Cuba. If you really want to be a success, get a good education, work hard, save a little right here in the Good old USA... You might even be able to be the President in Washington, D.C. and make things better but don't send your kids to the Public Schools there.


wallpaper SOMEONE STOLE MY ACCOUNT: Google has returned it to me!

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Yay! I got my other blog back. I have to thank to Google.
I'm really very happy!
I also received this award from Herrad at Access Denied. I will be back later to share it with my blog friends. One of the winners will be my other blog. LOL. YAY!

These are some of many blogs that inspire me:

Bob Fiddaman at Seroxat Sufferers
Cathy at Dare to Think

and last but not least: Ana at justAna comemorating her blog being back to her after having her account hacked. I didn't know how much she inspires me, even thou hers is the Hell side of this Hella Heaven. I'm very close to her I will surelly tell her about other blogs that are dear to me.

wallpaper Zion National Park

Because I wasn't driving, I didn't realize just how easy it was to get to Zion National Park. When I looked at the map later on, I saw just how close to I-15 and civilization it really was. For the first 2 1/2 days we shot Zion in all its glory and splendor. I wish we had spent more time there and that I didn't walk as far the first day. I think my tired legs kept me from walking farther the second day. At the end of the first day there was a walk down the Virgin River walkway that I should have skipped. This is by far my vote for a park to see.

wallpaper wallpaper You can go from one great view to another. There isn't a bad shot unless you have a loose nut behind the lens.
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Because the other motel was full, we were staying in the Majestic View Best Western. There were three or as many as four buses from Road Scholar groups there and we got by far the best of the deal. The view from the front porch there was almost as good as in the park.
wallpaper wallpaper I'm not sure if you break down the price per person, that you could have done our trip much cheaper. I'm sure that our host, Nancy and our two photography instructors were worth almost the cost by themselves. They opened our eyes to things we might have missed.
I have a trick for anyone traveling to an area. Look at the transportation routes and see if there is a shuttle that goes across the park. If there is, get the map and take the shuttle to see if you can really find your way around. On the shuttle, form an overall impression of each area and see if there is any difference to you. Then go back and see the pieces. The shuttle in Zion is free and it would allow you to get off at each stop as another shuttle was soon to come there and take you to the next stop.
Of Zion, Bryce Canyon, and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, I vote Zion the best. I wish we had a week to just go there and enjoy. Perhaps next time.


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I received an e-mail from Google and did these two steps:

"Follow each step below to ensure only you have access to this account.


- Scan your machine for viruses and malware. Get rid of any programs found
during the scan.
- You may want to download Google Pack, which comes with free anti-virus


- Once you've run a virus scan, visit
https://www.google.com/accounts/recovery to reset your password.
- On this page, enter the username of the account you are recovering.
Google will send you a message at your recovery address with a link to
reset your password.
- IMPORTANT: Do not re-use your old password, or a password you use
frequently on other sites. To create a strong password follow these tips:

I didn't receive the message with a link to reset the password. This is very strange to visit your blog without being able to login. I doing this blog for three years and... I don't know what to say. Very strange feeling.
I don't feel like posting today. I'll try to make a post about what I did read about how to prevent it to happen so that others don't lose their blogs. But not today.

wallpaper Crap!

As I went out on the photo shoots each day last week, I would bring my camera in each day and download the new photos. As I went out on the third day at Bryce Canyon, my CF card died. I lost about 30 evening shots of the beautiful rock formations. I had all the other photos on the card downloaded but that card is dead. The Instructor said that I should down load the pictures each day but then format the card. He said that some of the pictures tend to leave remnants on the card and makes the pictures have blemishes on them. I had close to 300 pictures on the card.

To add insult to injury, I bought a new 2GB card and tested it in the motel room prior to going out to the sunrise shoot. I shot three shots in the Motel room and deleted them. I got out on the morning shoot and for some reason the card "lost" its formatting. I sat there in the pre dawn light and tried to find out how to format the card in the camera. There is no relationship to the real way it formats and what the camera menu said. Reading the fine print in almost no light was a real pain. Add to that the fact that at 8000 Feet, it was about 30 degrees. I did finally get it working but it was at best a pain in the butt. I had the D70 booklet in the camera bag but no light to read with.

We are now home and glad to be in off the road. Most of the trip way fine except the I-70 traffic from Vail to Denver. What should have been at the most a 45 minute drive was well over two hours. It was bumper to bumper at anywhere from 8 to 24 miles per hour. It wasn't until we got into Denver that the roads cleared up and I could drive anywhere near the speed limit.


wallpaper Medical Terms

Maybe it's because I studied medical terminology in college—back before I realized that I didn't really like needles and being in a hospital gave me the whim-whams—that these definitions seem so funny. Or, possibly it's because they are funny that they seem so ... well ... rib-tickling! Regardless of the reasons for my own enjoyment, I know you'll get a kick out of them.


ANTIBODY - against everyone

BENIGN - what you be after you be eight

BOWEL - letters like a, e, i, o, u

CESARIAN SECTION - a district in Rome

CAT SCAN - searching for lost kitty

CHRONIC - neck of a crow

COMA - punctuation mark

CORTISONE - area around local courthouse

CYST - short for sister

DIAGNOSIS - person with a slanted nose

DILATE - the late British princess

DISLOCATION - in this place

DUODENUM - couple in jeans

ENEMA - not a friend

FALSE LABOR - pretending to work

GALL BLADDER - bladder in a girl

GENES - blue denim

HERNIA - she is close by

IMPOTENT - distinguished, well-known

LABOR PAIN - hurt at work

LACTOSE - person without digits on the foot

LYMPH - walk unsteadily

MICROBES - small dressing gowns

OBESITY - city of Obe

PROTEIN - in favor of teens

PULSE - grain

PUS - small cat


SECRETION - hiding anything

SERUM - sailors' drink

SUBCUTANEOUS - not cute enough

TABLET - small table

TUMOR - extra pair

ULTRASOUND - radical noise

From GCFL.net


If you get a sec, drop off a comment and tell me which one you enjoyed the most. My favorite was the definition for "benign." I'm still chuckling over it.


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The account from my other blog has been stolen and I don't have access to the blog and to Gmail.
If you are at my list of this e-mail you might receive an e-mail claiming that I'm at Scotland and need money.
It is not me. I'm trying to fix the problem.
It's very easy to hack a password as you can see at this video. I hope that Google finds a way to protect us and those who blog should have access to the account with if the account is stolen.
I hope it can be fixed as soon as possible.

This is the e-mail that is being sent with my account and my name:
  • Assistance Please(Help)‏


How are you doing? hope all is well with you, I know this might be a surprise to you but I am sorry I didn't inform you about my traveling to Scotland in United Kingdom for a Seminar. I was robbed on my way to the hotel and I lost wallet and other valuable things, I am accessing my email from the internet cafe now and I have limited access to the internet, I will like you to assist with the sum of £1,500 GBP to sort-out my hotel bills in which I promise to refund immediately I return home.
I've been to a bank and they said the only way I can get money using my passport is by Western Union, I will appreciate whatever you can afford and and i'll pay you back as soon as I return. Get back to me so I can email you the details you need to send the money

Thank you so much and sorry to bother you.

I've just received an e-mail from Google saying they cannot give this account back.
How am I going to access my blog?
This is quite a situation.

It seems that once you lost your password you lose access to your blog. I have trued all that Google propose and it is impossible. Now what?
This is the Google form yo have to fill if someone hack your account. You have to remember five e-mail addresses, the date of your account creation, date of last successful login, five labels... (what are these?)...
If I knew it I would have copied all the informations necessary and save it in my computer.
I didn't know about the verification code. We have a verification code at Google somewhere.
I didn't lost only an account for e-mails. I lost the account for my blog.
I don't believe it!
The person who stole it can publish at my blog. I can't. Amazing!

Bob Fiddaman at Seroxat Sufferers received the e-mail and said that he has already got it by the time one of his friends had his account compromised.
I don't understand how can it be that Google don't pay attention at these problems.
We have to do everything to assure security.
The problem is that even if one changes the password everyday these people would have done it anyway.
Those who have accounts with blogs should have a way to access their blogs in another way aside Google's account.
Don't they think about it?

I'm searching a way to get my account, and blog of course, and I found many people reporting the same at Blogger but have no help. This is one of them reporting the same problem I have:

HELP! Someone's hacked my account, changed my password--same gmail account name and password for my blog!Report abuse

Level 1
My gmail account was hacked this morning. Someone got in and changed the password and the secondary email address to some yahoo.uk email (I live in the states!) I've filled out the forms from google (twice!), and I've received two responses: "unable to verify I own my account." However, the questions they asked are the exact month and year I created my google account! I have no idea! It was years ago!! They aren't asking questions that allow you TO verify your own account!

Now, I can't access my blogs (yes, PLURAL). No where to turn! No one to call! Nothing. How do I get my blogs back????? Email is one thing, but all my blogs are now in control of someone else in the world? I feel sooooo robbed.


It seems I will have to say justAna goodbye. I'm glad I created another account for this one. But I will change for a safer place.
I feel so robbed!
I have access to the Statcounter but cannot access the blog. Kafka would love it!

wallpaper El Greco's unique style

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Born in Crete Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος (Doménikos Theotokópoulos), went to Venice at the age of 26 years old. El Greco, a nickname in reference to his Greek origin, was recognized last century as a talent of his own without matches:
"El Greco's elongated figures, ever straining upward, his intense and unusual colors, his passionate involvement in his subject, his ardor and his energy, all combine to create a style that is wholly distinct and individual."
Right: Mary Magdalen in Penitence,1585-90
Left: A Boy Blowing on an Ember to Light a Candle,1570-1572

The subject of a boy blowing on an ember appears frequently as a subsidiary element in subject pictures in mid-sixteenth-century Venetian painting.

wallpaper New Stuff

This is a video of Kolob Canyon taken yesterday evening. ( if it works)


wallpaper Georges de la Tour Candlelit Scenes

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Georges de la Tour, influenced by Caravaggio, depicted scenes lighted by candles in many of his religious works creating an atmosphere of stillness, quietness and introspection.

wallpaper Zion Pictures

OK, the Deer was Barb's picture. She was at the right place with the right lens and did a great job.

The following pictures don't do justice to the magnificent views here in Zion National Park. They are a taste and imagine that you could turn in any direction and take a great picture here.
This is a Kansas Sky that formed in Utah.
wallpaper wallpaper What Kansas Kid could resist this sky
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Virgin River Waterfall
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Nuts, they have them here too, Bushy Tailed rodents
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MUD & Barb on the river
wallpaper wallpaper Yesterday we walked 7.5 miles in the canyon and my feet, legs and mind are worn out. I have exactly 2 hours to take a nap and go to our next class. They say the river is called the virgin river because it runs just fast enough.
More tomorrow...

wallpaper Zion National Park

Can You guess which picture Barb Took?

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We are in the Zion national Park in Southern Utah. This is one of the most spectacular places I have ever been. More Landscape photo's tomorrow.

wallpaper The Cure and flamenco guitar

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I remember when the album The Head of the Door was launched in 1985 and the impact it created because it was a The Cure with something extra. Flamenco guitar, castanets and this video with the flamenco dancers of "The Blood" is a classic.
Click at the start and listen to five seconds. I believe you will like it.

wallpaper Duane Hanson complex world

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"I'm not duplicating life. I'm making a statement about human values."
Duane Hanson

Duane Hanson did a diverse work under the label hyper-realism. Although his groups of people evokes the social the individuality of each person is preserved in such a way that sometimes it reminds a Edward Hopper scene where a certain psychological moment is captured.
I have already start approaching his work at this post and I plan doing others because there is nothing simple about these people.
If you want to watch more you can go to this site.
(put your mouse at each picture to see the title)

wallpaper Red Light-Green Light ... by C.L. Beck

I'll bet a number of you remember playing the game, Red Light-Green Light, as kids. It's the game where you only move forward when the person who's "it" turns his back on you. I'm guessing most of you won more often than I did, too!

I've seen it played with cub scouts and other youngsters, but this is the first time I've ever seen it played with a cat. Hope you enjoy this ... it had me shaking my head and laughing.

And now that you've watched the video, drop off a comment and tell me your favorite childhood game. Mine was Hide and Seek.

wallpaper On The Road Again

Million of years ago, lava flowed out of rifts in Central Idaho as North America caused plates to be subducted and all that rock just had to come out somewhere. It covered an area 20X60 miles with a layer of lava. It was not a volcano, just molten rock that escaped and covered what is now Craters of the Moon national park with layers of lava up to 6 feet deep. On the surface much of the rock has weathered down into what is almost a black sand with a few bigger rocks.
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In the cracks and crevices, the ubiquitous Sage Brush is growing and now is the season when it blossoms. The yellow blossoms just pops against the black rocks.
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A little south of the park, there was an overlook with a big sage brush and I just couldn't help but snap a picture of it.
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We spent a few days working on the floor at Mom's and hopefully she thinks the hassle is worth the results. I hope that Mom knows that my brother-in-law did the lion's share of the work and I played helper to hand him tools and fetch things. The even great news is that in the end Ken is still speaking to me. I know that as long as Grissy welcomes me, Ken will to.
We are spending the night in Jackpot, Nevada and will wind up in St George, Utah to start our five day photography workshop. I hope to have more pictures then.

wallpaper Observatory: sky from the underground

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No matter from how deep the sky is always there.

wallpaper Pencil vs Camera by Ben Heine

wallpaper wallpaper I found Ben Heine blog and I'm amazed. This is a series of combinations with a photography and a drawing. You can see others of these great series here. A must-see.

wallpaper Refugees in Darfur: send them reading glasses and books

This is at The Book Wish Foundation:

Peepers Fun Reading Glasses Donated for Refugees

What better way to encourage reading than with the gift of colorful, cheerful, fun reading glasses? Especially in the Darfur refugee camps of eastern Chad, where hope needs a helping hand, adding to the enjoyment of reading can yield big returns in education and mental health. That's why the Book Wish Foundation was so excited to receive 126 pairs of Peepers Fun Reading Glasses, in dozens of colors and styles, like these:

wallpaper Peepers Fun Reading Glasses

It might sound superfluous to same people that reading glasses were sent to refugees because we think they only need to survive starvation and have some medicines for diseases but a library is being build at the refugee camp for the literacy project. Donate here 2 dollars.

wallpaper Darfur refugees in Bredjing Refugee Camp receive reading glasses

A group with new reading glasses in Bredjing Refugee Camp. Note the books in their hands. By providing books and reading glasses to the same people, we are enhancing the value of each. How many lives in this photo have just taken a giant step forward, even if they are still in the refugee camp? The school and children in the background remind us of the lost educational opportunities for adults who need, but don't have reading glasses.

Supporting literacy

We will add the link to your site to our bookshelf pages with BookCrossing.com (http://www.goldlis.bookcrossing.com). My family and I help to raise public awareness of the genocide in Darfur through informational labels we place on the books we donate through our BookCrossing challenge project, READ: Respond in Earnest Action for Darfur. We will also advise the San Antonio Interfaith Darfur Coalition and local university STAND groups of your needs. We hope you find growing support for all of your projects.

Read about the forgotten refugee here:

by Eric Reeves at ENOUGH.

"Ongoing human suffering and destruction in Darfur have been largely eclipsed both by recent national elections in Sudan and by growing, if belated, international attention to the imperiled southern self-determination referendum (slated for January 9, 2011). Even more completely obscured by recent events in Sudan, however, is the continuing humanitarian crisis in eastern Chad." ... keep reading.

wallpaper The Future of Publishing: not of reading

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This video is interesting but since it was created by Penguin Group for a sales conference it is biased:
PenguinGroupUSA | 9 de março de 2010
This video was prepared by the UK branch of Dorling Kindersley Books and produced by Khaki Films (http://www.thekhakigroup.com/). Originally meant solely for a DK sales conference, the video was such a hit internally that it is now being shared externally. We hope you enjoy it (and make sure you watch it up to at least the halfway point, there's a surprise!).
Apple iPad was launched in China last Friday : "
The launch of the iPad in China drew big crowds Friday at the Apple stores in Beijing and Shanghai, as diehard fans lined up by the hundreds to be the first to have the tablet computer."
I am not sure if the smell of a new book will still be part of reading experience and it is not right to say that if paper books disappear people will not have another way of reading as this video suggests.
It even implies that all that is available at the Web are news about meaningless events but forgets that there are many journalists working for no money and doing the job that the mainstream media doesn't being one of the reasons the fact that those who pay it dictate what and how will be approached.
Some works have even started at the Web and turned into a book almost by accident as the author of a blog or a site realizes that what s/he's been doing can be printed in paper because it has a a certain characteristic and unity that should be seen as a whole, something that sites and blogs still don't allow.
Good content is everywhere if well searched and whenever I go to an office I don't even take mags from the table anymore because Lady Gaga is at all of them.
One of the strange events that happened in literature is that publishers want to have at the market blockbusters books and even impose a kind of recipe to some authors that are starting their careers and still didn't find their voices.
Ironically some good authors are still unpublished and keep doing their blogs.
I would be much more concerned if for any reason reading glasses could no longer be produced.
Take a look at the post above.

wallpaper Drawings: the realistic appeal 2: are the drawings fake?

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If you click at the image you will be linked to Amazing Pencil Drawings" with eighteen drawings of animals and celebrities.
These are some comments:

(Jan 24, 2010 6:27pm)
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they just look like black and white photos,

Jan 22, 2010 12:07am)
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photographed then transformed digitally into
lead lookalikes

(Apr 05, 2010 7:05am)
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some, you can definitely tell were penciled,
but honestly I'm going to be a dick and call
fake after looking at most this shit.
seriously alot of them look like someone used
a camera switched to black and white.

(Feb 28, 2010 1:19pm)
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they look so realy, they look fake!

"They look so real, They look fake!"; "They just look like black and white photos."