wallpaper Christmas Eve

Each year, the traditions of Christmas change a little and this year is no different. Pretty much, one constant has been the Petty family Christmas the weekend before Christmas. With Mom gone, it was a little different but the smiles and love shown wasn't. We do our favorite soups and a White Elephant exchange. Lots of fun things show up. At least all my sisters and brother are speaking to me this year. Bonus....

This past year Barb Jr's nephews lost their mother and we have included them in the Petty family gatherings. They are a couple of sweet kids and we will also have them over tonight for Christmas eve. I'm pretty sure that Santa Barb has some things under the tree for them. She loves to shop for the kids for Christmas. The problem we have is that there aren't as many little kids around as much any more.

Today I am going to cook a turkey and make my garlic Smashed Potatoes. I'm sure there will be stuffing, vegetables and rolls. In fact, i hear the Baker up there banging pans and baking breads and getting ready to make fudge and divinity. Sure wish Kenny was here to share the fudge.

In the short period I have been writing this, the snow stopped and the birds are back at the feeders en Mass. I just love their system of stopping in to get one seed and flying away to eat it. They return shortly for another. It still cracks me up when a newby shows up and tries to stay in the feeder to eat. They soon get chased out and all returns to normal. I am not sure when the house finches will show up but the regular finches show up all the time. The males have given up their bright yellow feathers for a more subdued color but you can still tell the males from the females.

Oh well, time to move on and get some things done. Merry Christmas to all of you and yours.