wallpaper Christmas

Let me make one thing clear, Kyler and Austen are an addition to our family that is worth every minute of time we can have them here. The laughter that filled our house last night was so joyous a sound that it will bring a smile to my face for weeks. I do wonder how many weeks from now we will find those miniature marshmallows in and under things. Barb bought two of the automatic shooters and they can flat get with the program. To add to the mayhem, she bought extra bags of marshmallows. It was the Christmas eve massacre here at Rabbit Run.

Barb and I built this house and it has a wonderful big kitchen. For the first time it felt like it wasn't big enough as in the middle of cooking a Turkey dinner that kids made cookies and divinity. The treats and the food were all great, it was just the bumping of butts kinda got in the way a time or two. Oh well, it was all good.

This morning, our house guest Mel is of to visit her family and Barb is still asleep. It is really nice to sit here in the quiet and think about how fortunate we really are. We are truly blessed to be able to share with so many people. Even the animals out in the yard have food and water.

This morning we saw the pileated woodpecker just outside the house. This is a 20 year first for us. It is the one with a top notch that looks like woody woodpecker. There is one tree not far from the dining room that he likes and so far I haven't been able to get to the camera in time to shoot a picture of him. Perhaps soon.

Oh well, I'd better get on to bigger and better things. Merry Christmas to you all.

MUD, Bobwa, Dave, Barb Jr, Mel Kyler and Austen